Self-Regulating Toolkit Project
What is the Self-Regulation Toolkit Project?
SMILE Canada supported by TD Bank Group has researched and developed self-regulating toolkits to distribute to public organizations where racialized youth and children with disabilities frequent. SMILE Canada's goal is to increase the accessibility and inclusiveness of public spaces and organizations across Ontario.
Why do we need these toolkits?
Over the years SMILE staff and volunteers have witnessed racialized children and youth with disabilities being left out of programs or not feeling welcome in public spaces. Our goal with this project is to make the public spaces these families utilize more accessible and inclusive so no one feels isolated or alone.
What's in the toolkits?
We have consulted industry experts as well as our SMILE families to determine what items to include in these toolkits. Each toolkit comes with different items to help with the sensory and self-regulation needs of youth and children with disabilities. Some of these items include:
Liquid motion timers
Weighted pads and toys
Sensory Buckles
Assortment of Fidgets toys
Arts and Crafts
Noise Cancelling headphones
Breathing cards
Affirmation and Goals Cards
Identifying Emotion Activity
Selection of culturally appropriate books